2024 Waitlist
Cotton Patch Geese
Philadelphia Line
I will be selling Cotton Patch geese, Philadelphia line, goslings in the order of the date you have registered. I wait until the goslings are a week or so old. That way I’m certain you are getting hardy, healthy goslings. I may decide to grow out their feathers on our farm, which would take until August or later depending on when they hatched. I have plenty of grass for them to grow out their feathers.
Generally, goslings will be available starting in May of 2024 through July up until all available geese are sold. But these time-frames are always dependent on when and how many eggs are laid. And how many successfully they hatch, and the number of healthy goslings produced. To boost the numbers I use an incubator for the eggs that will not survive if left with the geese in the cold temperatures. I have one goose that lays a lot of eggs before she gets down to the business of setting. She supplies us with a lot of eggs but we have no idea how many eggs each goose will lay as they mature. So it is always wait-and-see game as to how many we get. This is hoping for good a year so we can help to fulfill the dreams many of you have to own these wonderful geese.
Depending on the hatch, sometimes breeding pairs may take preference over singles when more than one single is ordered. But depending on what hatches singles may take preference over the pairs.
Please Note: The form will disappear when it is filled out properly!
Prices always subject to change
Anyone on the 2023 registry who doesn’t get their order filled will automatically roll over into the 2024 registry.
I will contact you to let you know your status.